Micro Dynamic Receiver for Bluetooth Headsets and Hearing Aids

The RE-0633RS-001 is a high-performance micro dynamic receiver designed for clear and reliable audio output. With a compact design and RoHS compliance, this receiver is ideal for various audio applications. It features a copper voice coil, Nd-Fe-B magnet, and a durable ABS frame, ensuring excellent sound quality and long-lasting performance.

  • Modell: ECM-RE0633RS-001
  • Maße: 6.2 × 3.25 mm
  • Impedanz: 30Ω±20R
  • Maximaler Schalldruckpegel: 86dB±3dB at 1KHz AVG / 0.173V
  • Frequenzgang: 20 Hz bis 20 kHz
RoHS Certification UL Certification

📦 Lead Time: 4-5 weeks (production + shipping).


The RE-0633RS-001 is a precision-engineered micro dynamic receiver that delivers exceptional audio performance in a compact and durable package. Designed for a wide range of audio applications, this receiver features a copper voice coil and a powerful Nd-Fe-B magnet, ensuring high-quality sound reproduction with minimal distortion. The receiver is housed in a robust ABS frame, providing durability and reliability in various environmental conditions.

Key specifications include a rated input power of 1mW, a maximum input power of 2mW, and a sound pressure level (SPL) of 86dB±3dB at 1KHz. The receiver operates efficiently within a frequency range of 100Hz to 5kHz, making it suitable for clear voice transmission and audio playback. With a total harmonic distortion of less than 5% at 1KHz, the RE-0633RS-001 ensures accurate and distortion-free sound.

The receiver is RoHS compliant, ensuring it meets environmental and safety standards. It has been rigorously tested for life, heat resistance, cold resistance, humidity, thermal cycling, and drop tests, ensuring reliable performance in various conditions. The RE-0633RS-001 is an excellent choice for applications requiring high-quality audio in a compact and durable design.


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Micro Dynamic Receiver for Bluetooth Headsets and Hearing Aids Micro Dynamic Receiver for Bluetooth Headsets and Hearing Aids
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    Optimieren und finalisieren:
    Refine microphone design based on feedback, finalize samples, and proceed to mass production upon quality approval.

Unsere Zertifikate

ECMIC Microphone Manufacturer Certificates

Our production meets ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards and is tailored for automotive applications under the IATF 16949:2016 standard, ensuring comprehensive quality management. Additionally, our products comply with ROHS, CE, and FCC requirements.


Incoming Quality Control

Durchführen von Stichprobenprüfungen eingehender Materialien, um die Einhaltung der Standardanforderungen sicherzustellen.

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Outgoing Quality Control

Durchführen von Inspektionen vor dem Versand, um sicherzustellen, dass die Produkte die festgelegten Qualitätsstandards erfüllen.


B&K Audio Analyzer

Testen von Hintergrundgeräuschen, Empfindlichkeit, Frequenzgangkurve und Richtungsindikatoren.

Imaging Mapping Analyzer

Überprüfung des Einflusses unterschiedlicher Schaltungen, Baugrößen, Werkstoffe und Verfahren auf die Kennzahlen.

XRF Analyzer

Zuverlässigkeitstests sowohl in der Entwurfsphase neuer Produkte als auch in der regulären Phase der Massenproduktion.

Automatische Werkstatt

Automatic Workshop

Einsatz vollautomatischer Produktionslinien, um hohe Effizienz und Konsistenz zu gewährleisten.

Automatic Workshop

Ausgestattet mit hochmodernen Einrichtungen, einschließlich einer staubfreien Werkstatt auf 10.000 Ebenen.

Automatic Workshop

Einsatz eines strengen 21-stufigen Prozesses zur Gewährleistung der Produktstabilität.